Product Review: Follow Your Heart’s VeganEgg


Hello friends,

Today I want to share my review of a relatively new product in the vegan market – Follow Your Heart brand’s VeganEgg.

I first learned about companies attempting to produce the perfect “vegan egg” earlier this year when a flurry of articles related to Hampton Creek (and the “JustMayo” controversy) took over my Facebook newsfeed. While Hampton Creek is supposedly releasing their take on the “vegan egg” later this winter, Follow Your Heart beat them to the punch. Continue reading “Product Review: Follow Your Heart’s VeganEgg”

Restaurant Review: Sun Cafe Organic Cuisine

Hello friends,

While in Los Angeles, Cory and I got to see his dad who relocated a few years ago. These visits are always a special treat, and generally seem to include some yummy meals too! This time we tried Sun Cafe Organic Cuisine in Studio City, Los Angeles.  Continue reading “Restaurant Review: Sun Cafe Organic Cuisine”

Restaurant Review: Flore Vegan Cuisine

Hello there,

First, please let me apologize for the delay between posts. Things have been quite busy around here, and I recently took a small trip to Los Angeles. This is going to be the first of many “catching up” posts with various restaurant reviews. Let’s begin with Flore Vegan Cuisine. Continue reading “Restaurant Review: Flore Vegan Cuisine”

Review: Just Cookies

Hello friends,

I hope you’ve heard about Hampton Creek Foods, and I really hope you’ve already switched to using Just Mayo. It is hands down the best vegan “mayo” in the market. But that’s not what I want to talk about it. I want to review the company’s newest product – just Cookie Dough. I know this product began hitting shelves towards the end of 2014, but it just showed up at my local Whole Foods, and I couldn’t be more excited!


Continue reading “Review: Just Cookies”