Coupon Alert: Vegan Cheese & more!

Hello friends,

Happy Saturday! I’m about to head to the grocery store to pick up a few essential items for my weekend baking ideas (stay tuned), and I thought I would share all the great deals I’ve compiled. Check out the following vegan-friendly savings to help you save more cash while you’re shopping this weekend.

Enjoy!  Continue reading “Coupon Alert: Vegan Cheese & more!”

Coupon Alerts: Sweet Earth Brand, Amy’s Soups & More!

Hello everyone,

Happy Saturday! If you’re like me you’re doing a little household shopping this weekend. I wanted to let you know there are some good deals available on a few of my favorite rebate apps including multiple Sweet Earth Natural Foods $1.00/1 promotions. If you haven’t tried them yet, they have some great products like the Big Sur breakfast burrito or Hickory & Sage Bacon! Continue reading “Coupon Alerts: Sweet Earth Brand, Amy’s Soups & More!”

Product Review: Follow Your Heart’s VeganEgg


Hello friends,

Today I want to share my review of a relatively new product in the vegan market – Follow Your Heart brand’s VeganEgg.

I first learned about companies attempting to produce the perfect “vegan egg” earlier this year when a flurry of articles related to Hampton Creek (and the “JustMayo” controversy) took over my Facebook newsfeed. While Hampton Creek is supposedly releasing their take on the “vegan egg” later this winter, Follow Your Heart beat them to the punch. Continue reading “Product Review: Follow Your Heart’s VeganEgg”

2015 Savings: A Year in Review

Hello friends!

Last year I resolved to save more and spend less. I’m not sure I actually accomplished that goal, but I do know that I did my best to pay as little as reasonably possible on purchases I was already going to make. Continue reading “2015 Savings: A Year in Review”

Coupon Alert: Holiday Savings

Hello friends,

The holidays are just a few days away, and if you’re like me, you still have some shopping to do – at least at the grocery store. The good news is I’m here to help. I’ve scoured the web and have compiled vegan-friendly holiday savings to help make your shopping list below. Enjoy!  Continue reading “Coupon Alert: Holiday Savings”