Recipe: Roasted Acorn Squash with Brown Rice, Beans, and Vegetables

Hello friends,

Who doesn’t love fall?


It’s my favorite time of year. I love the colors, the weather, and the food! Once there is a crisp chill in the air, I tend to make at least one dish per week that utilizes a type of squash. But hey, I’m still the first to admit that all squash varieties have their ups and downs. I don’t think anyone enjoys hacking one open, but if you point in the effort, it’s so, so worth it! Think about a warm, sweet, roasted butternut squash, or how about spaghetti squash with homemade pesto sauce? Yum.  Continue reading “Recipe: Roasted Acorn Squash with Brown Rice, Beans, and Vegetables”

Recipe: Vegan Carrot Cake

Hello friends,

This weekend I traveled back to West Virginia to celebrate my parents’ birthdays. Yes, that’s right – they have the same one! Born the same day, just two years apart. In honor of this occasion, I thought I’d make my dad’s favorite cake, the always moist and creamy, carrot cake.

I had never tried to make a carrot cake before so I decided to look at a few recipes online. I wasn’t in love with what I saw – a lot of recipes with a ton of ingredients, most of which were not in my cupboards. Rather than move onto a different cake, I decided to look at a carrot cake cupcake recipe from Vegan Cupcakes Takeover the World. If you don’t have this book, you should snatch a copy ASAP. It’s my #1 goto recipe book.

What follows is a highly modified version of the cupcake recipe. I added in almond milk, tweaked the ingredient amounts, and added crystalized ginger instead of powder. Everyone seemed to enjoy the end result, and they said it was quite moist and creamy. I will admit, it’s a bit rich, so if you don’t have a real sweet tooth, beware! Please give this recipe a try and let me know what you think.



Continue reading “Recipe: Vegan Carrot Cake”

Easter Potluck Treats

Hello everyone,

Today my friends hosted an easter potluck complete with tasty treats and mimosas made with fresh squeezed orange juice. I hope you all had a relaxing day as well!


I quickly wanted to share my potluck treats with you. First, I made a simple pasta salad. This dish is delicious and really easy. If you are ever hard pressed on time, just whip up a pasta salad. If you can boil water and open cans, you can make this dish.  Continue reading “Easter Potluck Treats”

Pumpkin Everything! … in March!

Hello friends,

Over the weekend I was going through my cupboards and I stumbled upon two cans of pureed pumpkin that needed to be used by March 2015. What was I to do other than start baking?!


Continue reading “Pumpkin Everything! … in March!”

A Spicy Giveaway & Choco Banana-Oat Cookies!

Hello everyone,

I hope you’re all staying warm! In an effort to help bring the heat, I am happy to announce my first product give away – a Siracha 2 Go keychain. Oh yes, now you can ensure you never have to head out to a restaurant without the sweet spicy chili sauce everyone knows and loves. I’ll also throw in some ‘surprise’ products as well.

Sriracha-FB-OG-Image-sriracha2go Continue reading “A Spicy Giveaway & Choco Banana-Oat Cookies!”