Recipe: Vegan Rice Krispie Treats!

FullSizeRender_3Hello everyone!

Did you hear that Trader Joe’s recently released vegan marshmallows for a fraction of the cost of the previously available Dandies? A 10 oz. bag is just $2.99!

I simply could not wait, so I trekked to Trader Joe’s to pick up all the necessary ingredients to make vegan rice krispie treats. They were so easy to make and delicious, too! Give this simple recipe which will have you reminiscing about childhood today!

Happy snacking!

Jocelyn Continue reading “Recipe: Vegan Rice Krispie Treats!”

A Vegan Visits Cancun, Mexico (& eats lots of good food!)

Hi all,

As I indicated with my last post, I’ve been a little MIA lately. Work has been extremely busy, I am looking for a house, and I just  took a vacation to Cancun, Mexico! And the latter, is exactly what this post is about!


Continue reading “A Vegan Visits Cancun, Mexico (& eats lots of good food!)”

Coupon Alert! Savings on Gardein, Sweet Earth Natural Foods, Hampton Creek, and more!

PiggyBankSavingsHello friends,

Sorry for the brief hiatus! I was in beautiful, sunny Mexico! I’m now sorting through the 1,000+ pictures I took, and I hope to put together a blog on all the scrumptious vegan cuisine I had during my trip later this week.

To hold you over, take a look at this week’s coupon and rebate savings round up! There are some great deals over the next few weeks on everything from produce to Hampton Creek products! Continue reading “Coupon Alert! Savings on Gardein, Sweet Earth Natural Foods, Hampton Creek, and more!”

Restaurant Review: Townhall, Vegan Brunch!


Hello everyone,

Imagine, it’s a Sunday morning. You’re hungry. You don’t want to get ready and stumble around your kitchen to prepare a meal. So what do you do? You put some pants on and goto brunch! If you’re in Cleveland, there is no shortage of amazing places to eat brunch — even if you’re vegan!

I recently went to brunch at Townhall on W. 25th St.for the first time. Townhall is a popular bar and restaurant in a ‘hip and up and coming’ area of town, on the same block as the historic West Side Market. Their menu is full of designated vegetarian, vegan and gluten-free options and includes a variety of local ingredients. As an added bonus, the restaurant is in an old renovated warehouse space and is warm and welcoming with open brick walls and a cozy patio! Continue reading “Restaurant Review: Townhall, Vegan Brunch!”

Cleveland Vegan Nights


Hello everyone,

When thinking of vegan-friendly cities, Cleveland probably isn’t high on the list, but many restaurants actually have vegan night! You know that one night where they serve multiple vegan options! I’ve compiled a comprehensive list of weeknight vegan delicacies you can find in Cleveland below.

Know of a place that has vegan night that’s not on my list? Let me know!


Jocelyn Continue reading “Cleveland Vegan Nights”