Hello everyone,
Let’s talk about the vegan food market. For years, there were very few vegan cheeses. Then there were tasteless, rubbery vegan cheeses. Then we had some “okay” cheese alternatives. And now we have an amazing array of vegan cheese from Kitehill to Daiya.
One gap in the vegan market that I think many of us have been painfully aware of is a lack of vegan salad dressings! I mean, yes, we can goto almost any store and find a vegan Italian dressing, but blue cheese, ranch, french? Not a chance!
This month Daiya announced that they are expanding outside of their vegan cheeses, mac’n’cheese and pizzas. They are releasing salad dressing! I’m embarrassingly excited for this release. All my life, pre-vegan, I used Italian dressing and balsamic vinegar, but ever since I became vegan, I’ve had a strange yearning for new dressings. I suppose my wishes have been answered!

Daiya’s line will start with three flavors: Blue Cheeze, Homestyle Ranch, and Creamy Caesar. I’m looking forward to a quick goto ranch dressing. I don’t mind making my own, but this will be great for those busy days!
But wait, there’s more! Hampton Creek also came out with a big announcement this month. Hampton Creek is rolling out not one, not five, not ten, but 43 new products this year! You read that right—43 new products!
These products will be available at your local Wal*Mart and Target stores, so the company is going for a wide-reaching release. In addition to their ever popular (and tasty) Just Mayo and Just Cookies, they will now be producing a variety of cake and muffin mixes, salad dressings, pancakes, brownies, vegan scramble and more! These products will slowly roll out throughout summer 2016. My mouth is watering just thinking of all the new products I’ll get to try! I also think the packaging looks beautiful and fresh!
What product are you most excited about? I’d love to hear about it. Let me know!