High Value Vegan Coupons and Free Products!


Hi all,

Did you know that many companies will send you coupons if you just email them and ask? I suppose it’s something I’ve known for awhile, but I could never be bothered to do so.

I recently decided to take the plunge and give it a try. I’ve heard that often manufacturers will give you high value coupons with long expiration dates, and occasionally, coupons good for a free product.

About two weeks ago, I emailed sixteen companies whose products I use on a weekly basis, but rarely have high value coupons. So far I’ve received eleven e-responses and coupons from six.  Fieldroast, Tofutti, Tofurky, and Silk were quite generous and sent VIP coupons for free products!

I can’t wait to put these coupons to use in next week’s shopping trip. Give it a try, and let me know how it works for you! Or if you already email companies for coupons, comment below and let us know what brands worked for you!





4 thoughts on “High Value Vegan Coupons and Free Products!

  1. I just discovered your website on Reddit! I have emailed Boca, Daiya, and Gardein so far. Only Daiya has mailed $1 off coupons for their cheese products.

  2. I know this post is old but I was interested in seeing if maybe you had a template of sorts for how to word an email to these companies?

    1. Hello! I usually use something like:

      I wanted to write to let you know how much I love NAME’s products. I’ve been vegetarian for XX years, and vegan for about X of those years. Your products make it so much easier to stick to a vegan diet, and they taste great! [Something specific]

      Thank you so much, and please keep making delicious vegan products!

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